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M.Caldwell Hunter

I worked in the Amulance Service in Scotland for 31 years before I had to retire. Durimg this period I also managed to gain a degree in Health Studies.

I live in Scotland but spent a number of weeks every year in the small town of Barga in Tuscany, Italy.

















The Forgotten Templars Vol.I The Manuscript


Book 1 in the series and my first full length novel, published originally in December 2013.


I have always wanted to write but did nothing more than some short articles, despite having wonderful ideas for novels. Lack of time and work commitments were my excuse and were just that excuses.


Most of The Forgotten Templars, The Manuscript and The Shield and The Lost Ship were written in Barga. Editing and proof reading took place in Scotland.


It was a case of finally doing what I had always promised myself and Barga was a very good place to write.


For both books I knew that I had to be historically accurate in my descriptions despite my taking licence with some historical facts. I also know how readers , I am one myself, find it annoying to see a lack of research in a book. This making even a good story fall down because of important points being either wrong or made up.


Both books contain historical sections, around the early 14th century and present day locations. These go from the middle east through Italy and Europe across the Atlantic Ocean and back to Africa and beyond.


















The Forgotten Templars Vol.II The Shield and The Lost Ship

Volume II continues the story of the quest driven by the manuscript.

This book will be available shortly.








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